Author: Francine Tavares

Imagine the excitement and prestige of being part of the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games. Not only does it open doors to incredible business opportunities, but it also positions your company on a high stage.


Getting your business match-fit for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic and Paralympic Games means aligning with the Queensland Government’s standards for successful suppliers: being local, sustainable, ethical, and diverse.


ESG and the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games


The Brisbane 2032 Olympics present an opportunity for businesses to integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles into business strategy. The Games are not just about sports but also about environmental and social impact.

The Q2032 Procurement Strategy presents a guide to helping Queensland businesses become match-fit. Here’s how businesses can start their journey:

1. Climate Positive Commitment (Environmental- E)

The Brisbane 2032 Games aim to be the first climate-positive Olympics, which means:

  • 30% Reduction in Emissions: From 2005 levels by 2030.
  • Net Zero Emissions: By 2050.

Over 80% of the Games’ emissions are expected to come from supply chains.  Sustainable procurement is a key to a successful supplier, businesses are encouraged to:

  • Sustainability Practices: Implementing sustainable practices such as reducing carbon emissions, using eco-friendly materials, and promoting energy efficiency.
  • Waste Management: Developing comprehensive waste management plans to reduce, reuse, and recycle materials.

2. Social Impact (Social- S)

Supporting Local Communities

  • Community Engagement: Supporting local communities by hiring locally, engaging with community projects, and ensuring fair wages and working conditions.
  • Modern Slavery Prevention: Addressing modern slavery risks in vulnerable industries.
  • Diverse Suppliers: Encouraging procurement from small and medium enterprises, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses, social enterprises, women-owned businesses, culturally and linguistically diverse suppliers and businesses owned or operated by people with disabilities.

 3. Transparent Procurement Processes- Governance-G

  • Ethical Practices: Adhering to ethical standards, including transparency in operations, compliance with labour laws, and preventing modern slavery.
  • Accountability: Regularly reporting on ESG metrics and demonstrating continuous improvement in sustainability and social practices.

The success of the Brisbane 2032 Games relies on collaboration between the government, businesses, and communities.

The Domino Effect: 

ESG Compliance Across the Supply Chain

To truly understand how SMEs can prepare to support their clients for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games, let’s dive into a practical example of sustainable practice involving two fictional SMEs: SportZone Rentals and SparkleClean Services.

SportZone Rentals is an SME based in Queensland, specialising in renting out sports centres and facilities for various events. They have been contracted by a large event management company, MegaEvents, which has been selected to organise and manage sports venues for the Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games.

To maintain the high standards required for the Games, MegaEvents also contracts SparkleClean Services, a local cleaning company, to provide cleaning services for the sports centres managed by SportZone Rentals.

The Domino Effect:

Because MegaEvents is a direct supplier for the Games, they need to ensure that all their subcontractors, including SportZone Rentals and SparkleClean Services, meet the Games’ ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) topics.

Steps SportZone Rentals and SparkleClean Services Need to Take

1. Understand ESG Requirements:

Both SportZone Rentals and SparkleClean Services need to understand the specific ESG requirements set by the Brisbane 2032, which MegaEvents must adhere to. This includes:

  • Implementing sustainable practices in facility management and cleaning services
  • Decarbonisation plan roadmap
  • Reducing energy consumption, water, and waste.
  • Ensuring ethical labour practices, diversity and inclusion.
  • Report

2. Implement Sustainable Practices:

SportZone Rentals and SparkleClean Services must ensure their operations align with these requirements:

Energy Efficiency Project: Install energy-efficient lighting, heating, solar panel, and cooling systems in all sports centres.

Waste Reduction: Implement recycling programs and reduce single-use plastics and other waste materials.

Sustainable Materials: Use sustainable materials for any renovations or upgrades to the facilities.

Eco-Friendly Products: Use environmentally friendly cleaning products that are biodegradable and non-toxic.

Waste Reduction: Implement recycling programs and minimise waste by using reusable cleaning materials.

Reduce water use, electricity.

Plan to reduce emissions

3. Reporting and Documentation:

To support MegaEvents, SportZone Rentals and SparkleClean Services must provide regular reports demonstrating their compliance with ESG goals, example:

Energy Consumption: Track and report energy usage and the measures taken to reduce it.

Waste Management: Document recycling efforts and the reduction of waste materials.

Sustainable Materials: Record the use of sustainable materials and their sources.

Decarbonisation plan: calculate carbon emissions and create KPIs to track reduction.

Chemical Usage: Track and report the usage of eco-friendly cleaning products.

Waste Management: Document recycling efforts and the reduction of disposable cleaning materials.

Energy Consumption: Report the use of energy-efficient cleaning equipment and practices.

Decarbonisation plan: calculate carbon emissions and create KPIs to track reduction.




Ready to be part of this journey? The Brisbane 2032 Olympic Games offer a golden opportunity and competitive advantage to showcase your commitment to sustainability and social impact. By aligning with these standards, you can enhance your business reputation, making your company more attractive to potential clients.


Get match-fit and join the team!

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